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In the chaos of our daily lives, stress has become an unwelcome companion. As guardians of cardiovascular well-being, Intima Heart Care sheds light on the intricate link between stress and our vital organs.

Dr. Anuj Sarda explains that stress can heighten blood pressure, exerting extra pressure on blood vessels and potentially leading to cardiovascular damage. Understanding this connection is crucial, emphasising the importance of managing stress for overall heart health

Exploring the Relationship: Stress and Heart Attack

In a 2019 study published in the Indian Heart Journal, 92% of heart attack patients at a Delhi hospital had high to moderate stress levels. This underscores the significant role of stress in heart disease among Indians.

According to research , stress is a major factor contributing to heart attacks in young and middle-aged Indians (18-45 years), highlighting the growing concern for stress-induced heart attacks in the younger population.

Potential Stress Differences: India vs. US

⦿ Several studies suggest higher stress levels among Indians compared to Western populations, attributed to factors like socio-economic pressures, competitive environments, and limited access to mental health resources.

⦿ A 2018 study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that Indians reported higher levels of chronic stress compared to Americans.

Decoding Chest Pain: Anxiety or Heart Attack?

Sometimes telling the difference between a heart attack and a panic attack is challenging. A panic attack can cause a sharp pain in the chest, shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating, and shaking. Heart attack symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. However, there are distinctions:

⦿ Heart attack chest pain feels like pressure, often spreading to the jaw, arm, or shoulder blades. In contrast, panic attack chest pain is sharp and centered.

⦿ Heart attack symptoms linger and worsen, while panic attacks are brief.

⦿ Heart attacks can be triggered by physical exertion, a rarity for panic attacks.

How to Reduce Stress: Simple Tips

Recognize Signs of Stress:

⦿ Emotional symptoms: Feeling upset, afraid, angry, hopeless, or disinterested.

⦿ Physical symptoms: Palpitations, headaches, dizziness, tiredness, poor appetite.

⦿ Compulsive behaviors: Nail-biting, irritation, or skin picking.

Develop Healthy Habits:

⦿ Avoid unhealthy coping (smoking, drinking).

⦿ Introduce gentle exercise like a walk for endorphin release.

Handle Stress with Techniques:

⦿ Try meditation, yoga, or mindfulness.

⦿ Talk to a trusted friend or counsellor for support.

When to Seek Help: Simple Advice

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, don’t just ignore it. Untreated, they can impact long-term health. In a mental health crisis, reach out to supportive organizations.

Concerns About Heart Health:

Consider a specialized cardiac screening for a thorough heart check. Expert cardiologists perform tests taking 2-4 hours. Receive a detailed report with recommended treatments or follow-up tests.

Remember, your well-being matters, and seeking help is a proactive step toward a healthier you.


In conclusion, stress is closely linked to heart health. Recognizing stress signs, adopting healthy habits, and seeking help when needed are crucial steps for overall well-being. Understanding between a heart attack and anxiety attack ,managing stress through simple techniques, and addressing symptoms promptly can positively impact heart health. 

Remember, taking proactive steps, such as booking an appointment, plays a key role in preventing heart issues and ensuring a healthier future

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