Intervention Cardiology

Intervention Cardiology OCT

Intervention Cardiology Services

Heart ailments such as coronary artery disease, vascular disease, structural heart disease, and congenital heart defects require specialized catheter-based techniques. Interventional cardiology is a subspecialty of cardiology that diagnoses and treats these heart diseases and uses different diagnostic and imaging techniques to measure blood pressure and blood flow in the body’s major arteries and within the heart. Interventional cardiologists perform many types of tests and procedures on people of all ages.

Interventional cardiologists are cardiology subspecialists who are trained to place stents in clogged arteries to allow blood to flow properly and reduce risk of stroke or heart attack, as well as to repair holes in the heart or place special devices in the heart to help it function properly.

Our department’s ongoing advancements in interventional cardiology help to improve therapeutic care and provide far more accurate diagnosis of ailments to all of our fragile, at-risk patients.

Intervention Cardiology with the help of OCT machine

Our Expertise

Other Facilities

ASD closure, also known as atrial septal defect closure is performed to performed by cardiologists to repair a hole in the chambers of the heart. The procedure is minimally invasive and is done by inserting a small flexible tube called a catheter into a blood vessel.


Device closure (ASD/PDA)

ventilation icon
Non-invasive ventilation uses a face mask, nasal mask, or a helmet to administer breathing support to the patient.


Non invasive Ventilation

An echocardiogram helps create a graphic outline of the heart’s movement by using high-frequency sound waves. It also gives the sonographer pictures of the heart chambers and valves to analyze the working of the heart.



A Holter monitor is a type of portable electrocardiogram (ECG). It is used to record the electrical activity of the heart continuously over 24 hours or longer.



Why Choose Us?

Latest Equipment

Our Certification

The medical staff and doctors at Intima Heart and Critical Care are skilled and certified at addressing the critical needs of patients.

Frequently asked questions

A heart attack refers to damage to the heart muscle related to inadequate circulation, usually caused by a blockage in one of the heart (coronary) arteries.
An arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm. This may include extra beats, abnormally slow or fast heartbeats.
Congestive heart failure is the inability of the heart to adequately pump blood to meet the demands of the body. It is often associated with congestion in the lungs.
An echocardiogram is a test using ultrasound to examine the muscle and valves of the heart.

An angiogram is a diagnostic test in which a catheter is inserted through an artery (usually in the leg) and guided using an X-ray to the base of the heart. A dye is then injected to look for blockages in the heart (coronary) arteries.

An angioplasty is a procedure that involves using a device to open a blocked coronary artery. Often, a balloon and a stent are used.

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